1. In Morozov in (1) on p. 414 in section VI-I the is going about solar eclipse mentioned in Gerodota (2) (3, 2):
"During war between lidies and midies, lasted without superiority on that or other side, during the one of the fighting in its pole a year suddenly amongst day has approached the night. This conversion of day was predicted by ionii greek, Fales from Milet under than that year, in which it has really approached, Fales has marked as metabolic".
About this eclipse speaks Plinius in its "Natural history", bringing it to the fourth year 48-th Olympiad (-584) and to 170 AUC, i.e. newly -584, (but on other variants of Plinius to 180 and 220 i.e. to years -574 and -534).
None of canons of eclipses on such ancient years well does not work.
On canon by Krasilinikov really from Rome existed an eclipse in this year
Rome Constantinopoli
-584/05/28 15:30 0.972 15:38 1.068
Neither per annum -574, nor per annum - 534 eclipses did not exist.
Here want to remind that solar eclipses, which can exist although with some phase from that or other place of the Land, can happen at the average each three-four year. If during rathet great time interval control these solar eclipses, there will be possible already with someone accuracy predict them. In this case we have the mentioning about solar eclipse without connection with the concrete calendar dates and it allows the ensemble of solutions. Table wrote in (1) on p. 416, where is drawn ensemble of different solutions there is illustration to my wordses.
2. Beside in Morozova in (1) on p. 419 in chapter VI-III is going about the solar eclipse mentioned in Gerodot (2, IX, 10)(3, 4):
"Kleombrot has removed the army with (Corinthian) re-neck on the ground that when it the gods (evening) victim against persians, sun was upstaged on the sky".
One more eclipse tooked place through two year (1, p. 420, section VI-IV), about which Gerodot writes so:
"Before beginning a springtime has gone the army from Small Asia Sard in Abidos (Egypt). When but moved, sun left its place on the sky and becamed unencountered, in spite of absolutely clear cloudless sky, and the night" becamed from day.
In Morozova automatically appearing problem and its solutions are in considerable detail considered in (1) on p. 420. Bring some solutions and we, having written them in table 1. Place of observation is Greece.
Table 1.
-764/02/10 07:26 1.044
-762/06/15 06:47 0.826
-586/12/14 08:34 0.850
-584/05/28 15:40 0.912
-508/04/28 11:03 0.899
-506/09/01 16:40 0.890
-349/10/06 06:38 0.964
-347/02/19 09:51 0.823
303/09/27 15:41 0.837
305/02/10 15:50 0.821
540/06/20 08:10 0.844
541/12/03 13:30 0.892
590/10/04 11:43 0.866
592/03/19 09:10 0.957
601/03/10 08:00 0.802
603/08/12 16:17 0.912
644/11/05 11:01 0.879
646/04/21 08:04 0.889
786/04/03 14:26 0.882
787/09/16 07:05 0.975
810/11/30 11:16 0.886
812/05/14 13:17 0.998
966/07/20 17:37 0.844
967/07/10 05:31 0.901
968/12/22 09:12 0.961
970/05/08 04:27 0.982
To regret the traditional date (the year -479) doesn't belong to the problem's solutions
About this eclipse is going in Aristid.
There are no possibilities to solve given problem exactly and unequivocally.
1. Morozov N.A. Christ. Volume 4. Moscow. KRAFT-Lean, 1998
2. Herodot, I, 74
3. Spezieller Kanon der Sonnen- und Mondfinsternisse fur das Landregebiet
der klassische Altertumswissenschaften und ben Zeitraum von 900 vor Chr
bis 600 nach Chr von F.K.Ginzel Standigem Mitgliede des Konigl. Astronomische
Recheninstitutes, Berlin Mayer & Muller 1899
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