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In Morozov (1) on p. 380 in chapter IV-IV is going about eclipse mentioned in Servius. In Ginzel's book (3) this eclipse is mentioned under number 31.
Servius in "Notation to Virgilius" writes (2), (3, 31):
"Is famous that after Caesar's morder in senat the day before may ides (May 14) from 6-th hour till night was Sun defect, helding many hours, because of Virgilius says:"People was afraid of eternal night".
According to traditional history he died in 44BC. From 50BC to 33BC there were no Sun eclipses visible from Roma and Constantinopol. This fact is serious reason for doubts in correctness of traditional dating if we consider this information seriously.
By Krasilnikov's canon we write all eclipses helding in Roma and Constantinopol in that and neighbour days and write in table 1. Was considered days from 14 to 16 May and years from 200BC till 1500AD.
Table 1.
207/05/14 12:48 0.726
13:18 0.725
291/05/15 15:22 0.730
15:31 0.679
709/05/14 04:53 0.495
04:51 0.354
812/05/14 12:58 0.870
13:21 0.931
1230/05/14 03:47 0.757
03:31 0.701
1333/05/14 15:12 0.990
15:23 0.933
Is visible from the table that there are not ideal kandidates passing for quotation and in certain stage are passing years 207, 291 and 709.
If we pay attention on mentioned in quotation time of day (6-th hour)
the most passing solution will be
291/05/15 15:22 0.730
15:31 0.679
In this case difference in dates between real date and mentioned in source is one day only. The local time was: 16-10 in Roma and 17-20 in Constantinopol.
From this viewpoint is interesting the following circumstance. During Grigorian reform was omited 10 days which were accumaleted between julian kalendar and authentical. If pay attention that one day of this difference is appearing each 128 years, period of Julian kalendar introduction we can conclude somewhere between years 302 (1582-128*10) and 174 (1582-128*11) AD.
Conclusion: the roman Imperor Gaius Julius Caesar went away from life not long before 15 May 291.
Once more this eclipse is described in Josephus Flavii, Virgilius "Georgici", Tibull, Plutarch, Cedrenos, Aurelius Victor and Ovidius.
1. Morozov N.A. Christ. Volume 4. Moscow. Craft-Lean, 1998
2. Servius. Notations to Virgilius. (I, 466)
3. Spezieller Kanon der Sonnen- und Mondfinsternisse fur das Landregebiet
der klassische Altertumswissenschaften und ben Zeitraum von 900 vor Chr.
bis 600 nach Chr. von F.K.Ginzel Standigem Mitgliede des Konigl. Astronomische
Recheninstitutes, Berlin Mayer & Muller 1899
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