In Morozov in (1) on p. 386 in section IV-VIII is going about solar eclipse mentioned in Sinkellos with reference to Africanus (2), (3, 35):
"Flegon tells that during Caesar Tiberius was a full solar eclipse from hour sixth to hour (the word a Gospel) in full Moon. This obviously our".
Description obviously fantastical unlike mentioning about him, as it is accepted to consider, in Flegon, transcribed from Eusebius:
"JESUS CHRIST, Son God's, our gentlemen, damaged on made about him prophetition on 19-th year of Tiberius. For this time we see in greek memorial books a word in word following: sun wented out. In the same way Phlegon: solar eclipse happened in fourth year 202 olympiads, which was more all known early"
For proof of fantastically is wholly obviously:
1. Nor one solar eclipse can be azh three hours
2. Nor one solar eclipse can be in full moon.
Fourth year 202 Olympiads - this 32-th year AD. Nearest serious eclipses observed from Constantinopol:
29/11/24 08:28 0.969
49/05/20 08:06 0.720
To vernal equinox and nearest month after he does not refer nor one nor another.
Message Sinkellosa unauthentic. Probably description carries the fairy-tale nature and the question is allegory. Though consideration of this eclipse by Morozov with standpoint an chronological shift and the further messes in the sources also claims attention.
1. MOROZOV N.A. Christ. Volume 4. Moscow. Kraft-Lean, 1998
2. Africannus in book by Synkellos, p.610, 13.
3. Spezieller Kanon der Sonnen- und Mondfinsternisse fur das Landregebiet
der klassische Altertumswissenschaften und ben Zeitraum von 900 vor Chr
bis 600 nach Chr von F.K.Ginzel Standigem Mitgliede des Konigl. Astronomische
Recheninstitutes, Berlin Mayer & Muller 1899
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