Zamenit' anglijskij na russkij


In Morozov (1) on p. 329 in chapter I-XIII  is going about eclipse mentioned in Ethelwerdi chronicon (2), (3, 71), which is dated by chronnnicon in year 540:

"At second after two years Sun had eclipted from half past two hour so wherevere in the sky (firmamentum) stars was identified".

Hence we hane problem: in years N and N+2 was held two eclipses. Morozov considered they as held 538 February 15 and 540 June 20. Let's try according to Krasilnikov's canon
solute this problem in general case and let's consider time interval from year ) to year 1000AD and results let's show in table 1.

Table 1


     4/04/08  08:10  0.948
     6/09/11  06:03  0.717

 129/02/06  16:23  0.949
 131/06/12  18:05  0.711
 143/05/02  16:10  0.997
 145/09/04  16:43  0.888

 183/03/11  17:11  0.884
 185/07/14  15:36  0.827

 332/03/13  07:59  0.927
 334/07/17  10:53  0.764

 386/04/15  06:11  0.735
 388/08/18  07:18  0.780

 445/07/20 18:23  0.705
 447/12/23 13:48  0.936

 485/05/29 19:13  0.798
 487/11/01 10:25  0.822

 594/07/23 06:15  0.908
 596/01/05 15:02  0.866

 617/11/04 07:10 0.763
 619/03/21 17:53 0.750

 659/01/28 13:24 0.758
 661/07/02 04:55 0.917

 664/05/01 17:26 0.957
 666/09/04 15:10 0.857

 807/02/11 10:57 0.868
 809/07/16 09:45 0.707

 966/07/20 17:21 0.844
 968/12/22 08:53 0.956

 And from the abovementioned quotation we can conclude only eclipses with phase more 0.8 are passing that to this quotation. Let's show they in Table 2.

 Table 2.

 143/05/02  16:10  0.997          183/03/11  17:11  0.884
 145/09/04  16:43  0.888          185/07/14  15:36  0.827

 594/07/23 06:15  0.908            664/05/01 17:26  0.957
 596/01/05 15:02  0.866            666/09/04 15:10  0.857

 966/07/20 17:21 0.844
 968/12/22 08:53 0.956

The most interesting is that in Ethelwerdi's chroniocn doesn't go about anyone of this couples becauce of date is clear:  ( 540). There is not pair 538-540 mmong abovementined because of those eclipses from England so weak (with phase 0.67). Those eclipses were observed from other places so (Table 3):

Table 3.

                    London          Marsel         Athens                Roma      Constantinopol
 538/02/15  08:23 0.679  08:15 0.738  08:26  0.926  08:18  0.793  08:37 0.921
 540/06/20  08:00 0.654  07:55 0.876  07:58  1.077  08:10  0.844  08:19 0.940

 Is obvious that stars during those eclipses was visible from Athens and Constantinopol  only. We see about traffing information from bizantical chconicles to English.

About eclipse 540/06/20 you can read else in English-saxon cronicle, London annales, and History of England by Henry Gentinon, and about it only one of them in  Ethelwerdi chronicon and annales by Maximus Trirensis.


1. Morozov N.A. Christ. Volume 4. Moscow. Craft-Lean, 1998
2. Chronicon Ethelwerdi (XI century) Rer. Angl.Script. publishing, p. 834
3. Spezieller Kanon der Sonnen- und Mondfinsternisse fur das Landregebiet der klassische Altertumswissenschaften und ben Zeitraum von 900 vor Chr. bis 600 nach Chr. von F.K.Ginzel Standigem Mitgliede des Konigl. Astronomische Recheninstitutes, Berlin Mayer & Muller 1899

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