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In Morozov in (1) is going about several eclipses mentioned at Gregori Turonensis.

1. In (1) on page 333 in chapter  I-XVI is told about an eclipse mentioned Gregori Turonensis in his " Historia francorum" (2) (4, 73):

"At will of any destiny the Sun in October calends (October 1) has appeared in it did not remain by such blacked out, even of the fourth part in luminous Status, it has appeared opposite and muddy, it seemed as though by bag. Also star (stilla instead of stella), which some named as a comet having the beam as like sword, was shown within one year above that area, and sky It seemed flaring, and many other signs " have appeared.

We search on a Krasilnikov's canon of an eclipse of October 1 seen from frank's area  (Paris and Frankfurt). October 1 from this area of eclipses was not observed, therefore we use a method of consecutive deviations for one week in each party. Results is written down in the table 1.

 Table 1

                              Paris         Frankfurt         Roma           Constantinopol
1084/10/02 We 13:41 0.856  13:47  0.799  14:05  0.889  14:22  0.867
  563/10/03 We 07:02 0.604  07:07  0.681  07:04  0.496  07:22  0.580
  590/10/04 We 10:54 0.696  11:01  0.806  11:17  0.749  11:42  0.931
  693/10/05 Su  06:36 0.943  06:39  0.860  06:35  0.970  06:45  0.993
  720/10/06 Su  16:14 0.849  16:13  0.829  16:29  0.897  15:39  0.070
  460/09/30 Fr  15:54 0.483  15:54  0.452  16:13  0.502  15:52  0.371
  433/09/29 Fr  10:01 0.683  10:10  0.777  10:21  0.650  10:52  0.789
  303/09/27 Mo 15:11 0.945 15:13  0.995  15:29  0.895  15:36  0.899

From all eclipses listed in this table, our special interest cause two, having a place at the moment of sunrise (table 2):

 Table 2

                           Paris         Frankfurt         Roma           Constantinopol
   563/10/03 We 07:02 0.604  07:07  0.681  07:04  0.496  07:22  0.580
   693/10/05 Su  06:36 0.943  06:39  0.860  06:35  0.970  06:45  0.993

The sunrise in beginning of October takes place on Greenwich in Paris at 06:23, in Frankfurt at 06:00. The second eclipse very well corresponds to the description: the observer observed it  just ascending as a bag.

As to the first eclipse, it was observed from northern areas it is much better than Germany, than from southern.  In particular, in Bremen it had a phase 0.8.

2. About several Moon eclipses the speech goes in (1) on page 334 in chapter I-XVIII (citation on (2), lib. V page 23, lib. V page 41 (publishing. Monum. Germ. Script. r. Meroving I, 219, 233, 262)) (4, 75, 76, 77):

" Year 577. We frequently saw the moon this year inverted in blackness, and there were heavy thunder-storms before the God Christmas".
" Year 580. The moon was blacked out, and the star of a comet (nongramatically  has appeared: comitis stilla) heavy infectious illness on a name also was distributed also (lues in the original, i.e. sifilis (Morozov's remark, hardly , it was only after opening America, the remark of the author) "
" Year 582. Again this year have appeared signs: Moon has undergone an eclipse, and in turensian a district from one pulled down bread the present blood has flowed out ( luna eclypsum passa est; infra Toroniem territorium veru de fracto pane sanguis effluxit) ".

As against Morozov we shall not analyze in detail connection of lunar eclipses with a comet. We only shall tell a pair of words about an opportunity of the lunar eclipses as the couple of solutions which took place within N, N+3, N+5.

We shall make certain extracts of a Krasilnikov's canon in the table 3:

 Table 3

 502/07/06 01:12
 505/05/04 01:48
 507/10/07 00:57

 503/12/19 02:36
 506/10/18 01:02
 508/09/25 02:10

We specially did not begin to transfer these pairs in further. For only one the sixth century we can write out a minimum such thirty pair. Let's write out separately Most suitable under the citation in the table 4:

Table 4.

 577/01/20 05:24
 577/12/11 05:34
 580/05/15 01:22
 580/10/08 20:01
 582/09/18 01:07

So we shall consider that chronicle was not mistaken and has described eclipses authentically.

3. At this author on (1), the page 335 in chapter  I-XIX is a mention in (3) about the following eclipse:

"(Year 590)... The Sun has undergone an eclipse in middle of the eighth month (near August 15 on Morozov, this remark from Morozov is strange, you see he for certain knew, that the eighth month was October, instead of August, as in his version of this eclipse it took place in October, author's comments) and light it so has decreased, that horns it  stayed for light, hardly kept amount of the fifth part of the Moon ".

That is the eclipse with a phase a minimum 80 % took place.

About the same eclipse there is a speech at Theophilacta Simocattae, Theophan, Anastas Librarian, Zonara in the " the world annals ".

We shall write out according to a Krasilnikov's canon of a phase of an eclipse 590 years observable from different cities in the table 5.

 Table 5
                             Paris         Frankfurt         Roma           Constantinopol
  590/10/04  10:54 0.696   11:01  0.806   11:17  0.749     11:42  0.931

and also we shall write out various eclipses well observable from Frankfurt In October with 300 for 1000 AD in the table 6:

 Table 6.

 348/10/09 05:43  0.846
 563/10/03 07:07  0.681
 693/10/05 06:39  0.860
 720/10/06 16:13  0.829
 868/10/19 14:27  0.689
 878/10/29 13:40  1.024
 990/10/21 10:03  0.817

From the above-stated table 6 it is obviously visible, that is theoretically possible is the second solution namely 693/10/05. But, that is very good coincides the year of an eclipse, take is improbable.


1. Morozov N.A. Chryst. Volume 4. Moscow. Kraft-Lean, 1998
2. Gregori Turonensis: "Historia francorum ", lib. IV, c.31 Publishing Monum. Germ. Auctori antiqui IX, 335.
3. Gregori Turonens historia Francorum, X, c.23 Monum. Germ. Script. r. Meroving I, 435.
4. Spezieller Kanon der Sonnen- und Mondfinsternisse fur das Landregebiet der klassische Altertumswissenschaften und ben Zeitraum von 900 vor Chr. bis 600 nach Chr. von F.K.Ginzel Standigem Mitgliede des Konigl. Astronomische Recheninstitutes, Berlin Mayer& Muller 1899

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