In Morozov (1) on p. 311-324 is going about several eclipses mentioned in Hydatii chronicle and its sequels. We shall do check of their by Krasilnikov's canon.
1. In chapter I-I on p. 311 we read:
"In Hydatii chronicle (2, p.16) (5, 59) we read: "Olimpiad 295,2. There was Sun damage in III November ides (i.e. 11 November), in the second day of week". Further is going about how this eclipse is described in other sources.
According table in (3) on p. 311 we make checking of week day. It's really Tuesday.
By Krasilnikov's canon we make the checking of all eclipses held in 11 November visible from the Portuguence town Chiaves, where according Morozov Hydatii was lived and visible from Roma italian and Constantinopol. Results are placed in the table 1.
Table 1
Lisbon Roma Constantinopol
-119/11/11 09:45 0.920 10:11 0.704 10:38 0.518
402/11/11 07:56 0.798 08:09 0.883 08:25 0.684
There we shalln't apply the methodics of consequent declination from the data applied in the other articles because we see good agrrement of calculating results with the historical information.
We see that information about this eclipse confirms the writeness of traditional dating of Hydatii chronicle. It was visible from Roma some brightlier then from Lisbon.
It's characteristically for translation of years from Olimpiad era to our era it's necessary to understand the information namely as 295-th Olimpiad (i.e. namely 294 not 295 Olimpiads was passed from the beginning of Olimpiads).
About the same eclipse is going in Consularia Constantinopolitana and eventually in Chronica Gallica.
2. On p..316 in (1) in chapter I-II there is once more quotation from
Hydatii (2), (5, 60):
"Olimpiad 299,2. There was Sun damage in XIV August calends
(19 July) in Friday (quinta feria, and modern catholics have yet Thursday,
eventually it's because of astroligies considered Friday from Friday's
evening only, not from the morning)".
19 July is Friday
By Krasilnikov's canon we shall find all of eclipses visible 19 July in table 2.
Table 2
Lisbon Roma Constantinopol
-103/07/19 07:37 0.661 07:57 0.768 08:19 0.886
418/07/19 10:06 0.967 10:47 1.046 11:18 0.985
939/07/19 07:30 0.990 07:48 0.995 08:08 0.892
So we one more see about good solution 19 July 418 so we shalln't busy with the finding of other solutions.
Theoretically we could consider teh last solution as pretendent on other but is going about nonbreakable chronicle so the last solution hasn't rights. Once more about this eclipse is going in Chronica Gallica, Philostorgii's church history, Chronica Paschale and Annales Chronograph. Veter.
3. The next quotaion from Hydatii (2), (5, 61) is wrote in Morozov in (1) on p.318 in chapter I-III:
"Olympiad 306,3. 23-d year of Valentinian III. There wase Sun damage in X January calends (23 December) in Wednesday (tertia feria)".
Analagously according to Krasilnikov's canon we find all eclipses visible from europian cities and write to the table 3.
Table 3
Lisbon Roma Constantinopol
-74/12/23 16:28 0.713 15:46 0.103
447/12/23 13:39 0.988 14:09 0.823 14:22 0.626
Hence the conclusion is obviuos: the only one solution is traditional one 23 december 447.
4. About Moon eclipse in Virgin's kegs Hydatii Lemici (Morozov doesn't differ him from Hydatii whose name he mentiones without supplement ) in his continuatio of Hieronim's chronicle (4)(5, 62) writes (in Morozov on p. 319 in chapter I-IV):
"Olympiad 307,4 (Year 452) in 28-th Valentinian's year, in III day of V october calends (nnight from 26 to 27 September) Moon was eclipted on the eastern part of sky".
The mentioning about Moon on the Eastern part os sky means Moon eclipse was in the beginning of night.
The words "III-d of the V-th October calends" aren't completely understandable. We for the reliahableness shall write all eclipses heldinf from year +300 till +1300 in October calends days (from 14 September to 1 Ostober). For the comfort they are wrote not in the one column but in the several.
Table 4
483/01/10 02:44 1004/01/10 11:32 163/09/30 01:23 627/09/30 17:18 665/09/30 03:15 749/09/30 21:39 768/09/30 22:02 1232/09/30 23:43 703/09/29 20:30 638/09/28 23:50 535/09/27 06:33 554/09/27 01:25 573/09/27 01:25 1018/09/27 19:58 1037/09/27 06:35 1075/09/27 01:59 451/09/26 18:46 516/09/26 19:45 1010/09/26 03:52 1094/09/26 22:12 432/09/25 20:51 508/09/25 02:10 823/09/24 01:14 302/09/23 18:54 321/09/23 02:25 359/09/23 05:18 378/09/23 04:45 888/09/23 23:11 861/09/22 20:25 758/09/21 21:03 777/09/21 21:38 796/09/21 19:31 1195/09/21 06:38 1279/09/21 19:13 693/09/20 05:40 628/09/19 06:08 647/09/19 19:41 666/09/19 03:11 1130/09/19 05:37 1149/09/19 05:54 1168/09/19 01:49 1233/09/19 23:45 563/09/18 00:38 582/09/18 01:07 1206/09/18 21:01 479/09/17 05:04 544/09/17 03:52 601/09/17 23:55 1103/09/17 21:40 1122/09/17 22:14 1141/09/17 20:08 1019/09/16 23:13 1038/09/16 06:21 1084/09/16 23:49 452/09/15 01:51 517/09/15 22:43 1057/09/15 18:10 387/09/14 04:30 406/09/14 04:03 490/09/14 18:29 927/09/14 01:54 992/09/14 20:25
When from this table we leave only which was in the night beginning we shall obtain more short table 5.
Table 5
1004/01/10 11:32 627/09/30 17:18 749/09/30 21:39 768/09/30 22:02 1232/09/30 3:43 703/09/29 20:30 638/09/28 23:50 1018/09/27 19:58 451/09/26 18:46 516/09/26 19:45 1094/09/26 22:12 432/09/25 20:51 302/09/23 18:54 888/09/23 23:11 861/09/22 20:25 758/09/21 21:03 777/09/21 21:38 796/09/21 19:31 1279/09/21 19:13 647/09/19 19:41 1233/09/19 23:45 1206/09/18 21:01 601/09/17 23:55 1103/09/17 21:40 1122/09/17 22:14 1141/09/17 20:08 1019/09/16 23:13 1084/09/16 23:49 517/09/15 22:43 1057/09/15 18:10 490/09/14 18:29 992/09/14 20:25
It's characteristically that there isn't solution 14 September 452on which Morozov stopped. But there is solution 26 September 451, which Morozov wasn't notice. Eventually namely it is.
5. Once more Sun eclipse is mentioned in Morozov (1) on p. 320 under number I-V, and in chronicle (2) in "Monum. Germ. Auctor. Antiqui" on p. 30. (5, 63)
"Olympiad 309,3. In the fifth day of July calends (28 May), 4 feria, from the fourth to the six (from sunrise) Sun seemed diminished the light of its circle till the view of Moon quint or sisx part".
We shall find all eclipses heeld in May 28 by Krasilnikov's canon and results we write in table 6.
Table 6.
Roma Constantinopol
355/05/28 Su
04:07 0.901 04:02 0.993
458/05/28 We 11:00 0.752 11:46 0.601 12:18 0.507
From this table is visible that chronicle writer had wrong in one year (the eclipse was held in the second year of Olympiad, not in the third). It was good observed from Portugal and worthy from Italy and Greece. And it was held in Wednesday not in Thursday.
6. The next eclipse from Hydatii (2)(5, 64) we see in Morozov on p.321
under number I-VI. He wrote after Hydatii so:
"Olympiad 303,3 (Year 463). In spanish Galicia they saw many signs
and miraculum.
In the sixth March ides day (March 2) by cocking's sihging Moon on
the West completely became similar to blood in the day sexta feria in Sever's
1-st year".
We find according to Krasilnikov's canon all Moon eclipses in 2 March. As for other cases are shown all nearmorning Moon eclipses which held March 2 in table 7.
Table 7
443/03/02 03:14
462/03/02 02:09
481/03/02 02:37
The three solution seem to be equalright but we prefer one mentioned in text.
7. In Hydatii's chronicle continuer (6) according to Morozov (1, p.323, in chapter I-VII) we read the following (5, 65):
"Olympiad 311,1 (465.). 7-th lion's year, 12-th Sever year. In the day of XIII August calends (20 July) in the day secunda feria Sun had deminished own light from the hour third to six and had shorted to the Moon's fifth part".
The noncomplet Sun eclipse is mentioned.
By Krasilnikov's canon we check all Sun eclipses in 20 July and write them in table 8.
Table 8.
Lisbon Roma
445/07/20 Fr 18:33 0.678
464/07/20 Mo 07:33 0.748 07:57 0.733 08:26 0.716
966/07/20 Fr 17:43 0.612 17:36 0.833 17:31 0.905
There is visible from the table that chronicle's author had mistake in one day.
It's characteristicall 20 July 465 according tables from (3) is really Tuesday. It say that days of week and eventually years in Olympiad had wroted in later times.
1. Morozov N.A. Christ. Volume 4. Moscow. Craft-Lean, 1998
2. Hydatii chronicon, publishing "Monumenta Germanica Auctores
antiqui" XI.
3. Klimishin I.A. Kalensdar and chronology. (In Russian: Kalendar'
i khronologia) Moscow Nauka 1985.
4. Hudatii Lemici: "Continuatio Chronocorum Hieronymiannorum" "Monumenta
Germanica Auctor. Antiqui XI, 26
5. Spezieller Kanon der Sonnen- und Mondfinsternisse fur das
Landregebiet der klassische Altertumswissenschaften und ben Zeitraum von
900 vor Chr. bis 600 nach Chr. von F.K.Ginzel Standigem Mitgliede des Konigl.
Astronomische Recheninstitutes, Berlin Mayer & Muller 1899
6. Continuato etc. (Monum. Germ. Auct. antiq. XI, 33)
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