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1. In Morozov (1) on p. 379 in chapter IV-IV is going about eclipse mentioned in Plutarch.

He in his "Vita Caesar" writes (2), (13, № 31):

"There was bug comet apperance among God evidencies worthy of mentioning which was visible during seven days after Caesar's murder and soon disappeared and once more coming to Sun light darkness. The whole nearest year sundisc rised pale and without brightness, and wear nad negligeble warm was comig from it, so air was dark and heavy, and because of weakness of deminishing sunwarm grounds fruits was riped only in half, and being nonriped was losting due to surround they cool air".

Author thinks that chronology of comets isn't authentically and this descripytion can be considered as description of solar eclipse.

To regret we can find too many eclipses passing for this description.

 According to traditional history he died in 44BC. From 50BC to 33BC there were no Sun eclipses visible from Roma and Constantinopol.

 Once more this eclipse is described in Josephus Flavii, Virgilius "Georgici", Tibull, Ovidius, Cedrenos, Aurelius Victor and Servii.

 2. Once more in Morozov (1) on p. 392 in chapter IV-XIII is going about eclipse mentioned in Plutarch's book  "De facie in orbe lunae" ("About face in Moon disc"), (3), (13, № 40):

"From all evidencies related to the Sun nothinf is more similar to sundown as Sun eclipse - I am thinking - when we remember about held not long away junction (Moon and Sun). It was held at once after afternoon, and many stars in many places became visible and air get color similar to duskness".

We can find too many eclipses for this description.

3.  Once more in Morozov (1) on p. 424 in chapter VI-VIII is going about eclipse mentioned in Plutarch in (4), (13, № 9):

с. 22 "It was in beginning of autumn....."
с. 23 "When everything was ready Moon eclipse became...."
с. 28 "Day in which Nici was took prisoner was Carneia 26 which is called by Athenians as Megaitnion...."

Megaitnion month if believe to (11, стр. 124), corresponds to modenr august-september. Beside this about this eclipse is going in Fukidid as the last among his three eclipses and we shall reproduce it:

1281/08/31 02:22

Although isn't excluded thats in Plutarch and Fukidid is going about different eclipses.

4.Once more in Morozov (1) on p. 427 in chapter VI-XII is going about eclipse mentioned in Plutarch (5), (13, № 13)which was held in the time when Agezilaus wanted to attack beotian's land namely when he had castle in Kheronea.

Namely about this eclipse is going in Ksenofont and Diodorus Sucullus.

To regret there aren't reliahle data for this eclipse dating.

5.Once more in Morozov (1) on p. 428 in chapter VI-XIII is going about eclipse mentioned in Plutarch's "Vita Pelopidae" (6, с. 31), (13, № 14):

"When fivans quickly came to decision and was prepared everything and when their chief intended to go Sun eclipse was held and darkness embraced town in day".

More comprehensively about this eclipse is going in Diodorus Sucullus.

6. Once more in Morozov (1) on p. 428 in chapter IV-XIII is going about eclipse mentioned in Plutarch's "Vita Dionis" (7), (13, № 15):

"In the time they thought thats everythinf is covered one of Platon's pupils Helikon from Kuziki the Sun eclipse had forsaw. And when it become tiran of this town was surprised and Diouis get 1 kg of silver".

There aren't reliahle data for this eclipse dating.

7. Once more in Morozov (1) on p. 430 in chapter IV-XV is going about eclipse mentioned in Plutarch in "Vita Dionis" (8, с.24), (13, № 16):

"After victimbringings and solemn prayings Moon eclipse had come... It was in the middle of summer and passats flowed to sea"

About this eclipse is going in "Vita Nicie" too (9), (13, № 16):

"Platon's friend, Dion, nof afraid the Moon eclipse when he intended tol leave Zakinf and against Dionysis, but flowed, came to Siracuse (in Sicilia) and overthrew the tiran"

There arn't reliahle grund for dating although Diodor brought this eclipse to the 4-th year ot 104 Olimpiad (420 of olimpic era or 356 BC).

8. Once more in Morozov (1) on p. 431 in chapter VI-XVII is going about Moon eclipse mentioned in Plutarch in "Vita Alexandri" (10, с.24), (13, № 18):

"There was mattered that big battle against Darius was held dnot near Arbela but near Gaugamels. Meanwhlie when mysteries in Athens had began, in Boedromium Moon eclipse was held. In 11-th night after this eclipse castles of persians and macedonians stood one against other".

About this one eclipse is going in Arrian (he says about this eclipse as being in Pianepsion), Ptolemeus, Plini in "Natural history", Curcius.

The Pianepsion month according to Athens kalendar according to (11, стр.124) approximately coincides with october of julian kalendar.

There are no oportunities to solute appearing by this chronological problem of its dating.

9. Once more in Morozov (1) on p. 439 in chapter IV-XXVIII is going about once more Moon eclipse mentioned in Plutarch in "Vita Emilii Pauli 17" (12), (13, № 27).

"When night came and all after supper went to sleeping nonwaitingly Moon was eclipted before this whole and brightly visible. By its eclipse: it had different colors and soon became whole and then became nonvisible. So was in the second half of summer".

From the Ginzel's viewpoint about this one eclipse may be going in Cicero, Plinius in "Natural history" (II, 53), Quintillian (I, 10, 47), Valerius Maximus (VIII, II, I) and  Fronten Strategist (I, 12, 18).

There aren't reliahle data for this eclipse dating.


 1. Morozov N.A. Christ. Volume 4. Moscow. Craft-Lean, 1998
 2. Plutarch,  Caesar, 69.
 3. Plutarch: "De facie in orbe lunae", c.19
 4. Plutarch: "Vita Niciae". C. 22, 23, 28.
 5. Plutarch: "Vita Pelopidae". C. 31
 6. Plutarch: "Vita Pelopidae". C. 31
 7. Plutarch: "Vita Dionis". C. 19
 8. Plutarch: "Vita Dionis". C. 23
 9. Plutarch: "Vita Niciae". C. 23
10. Plutarch: "Vita Alexandri". C. 31
11. Klimishin I.A. Kalendar and chronology. Moscow, Nauka, 1985 (Klimishin I.A. Kalendar' i khronologiya. Moskva, Nauka, 1985)
12. Plutarch: "Vita Emilii Pauli 17"
13. Spezieller Kanon der Sonnen- und Mondfinsternisse fur das Landregebiet der klassische Altertumswissenschaften und ben Zeitraum von 900 vor Chr. bis 600 nach Chr. von F.K.Ginzel Standigem Mitgliede des Konigl. Astronomische Recheninstitutes, Berlin Mayer & Muller 1899

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